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About “Colloidal Iodine”
The name “Colloidal Iodine” was first used about 15 years ago by our company, which was the first in the world to develop an oral and intravenous solution of iodine that could be safely taken into the body.
In 2016, our “Colloidal Iodine” was approved as a pharmaceutical product by the Ministry of Ayurveda of the Democratic Social Republic of Sri Lanka after its efficacy and safety were confirmed (in Japan, it is in the area of observational research as it has not yet been approved).
Recently, there have been many cases in which “Colloidal Iodine” or iodine products with similar names have been misrepresented as having the same effects as our “Colloidal Iodine,” leading to misunderstandings and causing problems, but these products are completely different from our “Colloidal Iodine,” which has a long track record.
Our “Colloidal Iodine” is used in Japan and abroad under the names “JCI MN COLLOIDAL IODINE” and “JCI MN COLLOIDAL IODINE” (trademark registered).
colloidal iodine solution【 JCI MN colloidal iodine (C.I.M.N)】
Colloidal Iodine Laboratories manufacturing and development company.
In 2012, cancer accounted for 361,000 deaths in Japan by cause of death, and cancer has been the number one cause of death since 1981, with approximately 1 in 2 people getting cancer and 1 in 3 dying from cancer.
This is followed by heart disease (196,000), pneumonia (123,000) and cerebrovascular disease (121,000), with these top four diseases accounting for more than 60% of all deaths.
Pneumonia has emerged as one of the top three causes of death since 2011, reflecting the aging population. However, there is still no breakthrough treatment for cancer.
In addition, many people suffer from intractable diseases with unknown causes and no known cure.
Colloidal iodine (JCI MN colloidal iodine (C.I.M.N.)) was developed to help many patients suffering from cancer and other incurable diseases.

Approved for medicinal products by the Ministry of Ayurveda, Government of Sri Lanka in 2016
Ayurveda: a 5,000 year old Indian-Sri Lankan tradition of medicine recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Please be warned!
Recently, there is a fraudulent group that holds lectures on the effects of colloidal iodine on cancer and solicits participants to buy private stocks or invest their money in high-yield funds.
JCI Colloidal Iodine Research Institute, Inc. is not affiliated with this group in any way. In addition, the colloidal iodine handled by the said organization is completely different from the colloidal iodine of the formula company JCI Colloidal Iodine Institute, Inc.
Colloid iodine therapy has a wide range of cases and a wide lineup

Outline of JCI colloidal iodine

Colloidal: larger than a molecule, but invisible to an ordinary microscope, particles 10-9 to 10-7 cm in diameter are dispersed in gas, liquid or solid.
- There are 16 essential minerals and metal elements in the human body that produce energy that is the life force of cells, and about the same number of trace minerals and trace metal elements. Iodine (iodine) is an element.Colloid chemistry is a chemistry that transforms these substances into a size that can be used by living cells.
- In their natural state, these substances are supplied to the cells in colloidal form, but it is now possible to chemically produce colloidal substances.
- Most of the iodine is found in the thyroid gland and is the main source of thyroid hormones in the body. Thyroid hormones are one of the most essential hormones in the body as they promote metabolism, growth, absorption of nutrients and energy production.
- JCI MN colloidal iodine (C.I.M.N.) is made by applying colloid chemistry to make it extremely fine and easy to supply to the tissue cells that make up the human body, making it easier to take in essential elements to cells. By combining the element iodine with hydrogen to form a colloid, the toxicity of iodine is eliminated and the cells are able to use it.
The Possibility of Connecting Hope to the Future
Advantages of JCI MN colloidal iodine
- Numerous cases from years of research.
- Normal cells are activated, not harmed.
- Fewer side effects. (drug harm)
- Not resistant.
- It's not accumulative in the body.

It is a colloidal iodine that has been adopted by the largest number of medical institutions in Japan and is used in the largest number of medical institutions.
It has been in clinical practice for more than 10 years and has been used in many cases.
We would like to introduce you to medical institutions that can use JCI MN colloidal iodine

JCI MN colloidal iodine is not sold to the public in Japan.